Suarez Corporation Industries exits bankruptcy

Publish Date: 03-08-2019 21:32:28 | Contact name: Ben Suarez | 2953 times displayed | Comments |

You can hear more about Benjamin Suarez on Building Fortunes Radio.

Suarez Corporation Industries exits bankruptcy

SCI suffered severe financial harm due to the false and malicious prosecution by the Obama administration against SCI and its CEO Benjamin Suarez. SCI and Suarez were acquitted of all 19 election law charges in a trial in July, 2014. Suarez was convicted of a minor process charge due to witness intimidation by the D.O.J.

This false and malicious prosecution and the wrongful conviction and imprisonment of Benjamin Suarez caused the company to file bankruptcy on August 7, 2017.

Suarez Corporation Industries (SCI) exited bankruptcy on February 25, 2019.

Before the false prosecutions, which started in 2011, SCI had recorded sales of over $400 million a year and was on the way to becoming a billion dollar plus sales a year company, which would have created thousands of new jobs in Stark County. SCI is now ready to resume this growth and new jobs.

SCI’s EdenPURE® division has developed many new and innovative products and will soon go public.

SCI’s United CloudTM division has developed new, revolutionary online services that will soon launch.

SCI’s GenesisBODYTM division has concluded a 20-year research and development project that has produced advanced exercises and an advanced exercise machine, which scientific studies prove can cut health care costs by at least 50%. This will also launch soon.

Contact Ben Suarez: Suarez Corporation Industries exits bankruptcy





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