Parks Smarts For Kids The New Fun Addition

Publish Date: 11-12-2016 23:17:41 | Contact name: Dawn McIntyre | Location: worldwide | 4091 times displayed | Comments |

"My love of children, nature, and national parks led me to create Park Smarts For Kids. " Dodie Long

Remember your first park experience? Whether it was the awesome majesty of the Grand Canyon... the exquisite beauty of Yosemite... the awe-inspiring accomplishment of Mount Rushmore... the explosive wonder of the Hawaii Volcanoes or the dramatic vistas of Red Rock Canyon... our National Parks are priceless and irreplaceable!

Park Smarts for Kids series of activity books are packed with 30 pages of crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, connect-the-dot pages, mazes, animal matches and more. There are 6 coloring pages per book. All designed to educate kids on America's National Parks and Monuments. They are very educational, fun, engaging and compelling to help our children learn about our precious National Parks and Monuments.

Each book is designed to support the interpretive message of each park.

They are completely interactive giving you quality time with your child as well as having fun with them.

To order this Brilliant Set of Books for your Children and Grand Children just in time for Christmas Click here.

Contact Dawn McIntyre: Parks Smarts For Kids The New Fun Addition

Phone: 2509807511





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