Introduction To kulaBrandsTM

Publish Date: 11-15-2016 16:59:34 | Contact name: Keith Peterson | Location: Worldwide | 3566 times displayed | Comments |

kulaBrandsTM is a NEW, patent-pending business model where its Members - (the “Community”) - earn Reverse Royalty payments through their participation in selected crowdfunding projects, and various social media activities.

● No monthly or yearly fees
● No autoships
● No maintaining “downlines”
● Recruiting is optional, but not required
● Anyone, anywhere in the world, can join
● Members choose the projects in which they’d like to participate.
● Members’ earnings are based on the Reverse Royalties for each product in which they participate.. This means that members are paid over and over for the same original one- time action.

What Is A Royalty Payment? “A royalty is a payment made from one party to another that owns a particular asset for right to ongoing use of that asset. Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net” - Source:

Three Services Provided By kulaBrandsTM

The kulaBrandsTM Community supports business owners and entrepreneurs with their social networking activities.

Critical Success Factors

● Crowdfunding Assistance
● Branding and Marketing
● Advertising and Sales

Through the reward-based crowdfunding process, kulaBrandsTM helps inventors and entrepreneurs obtain capital to manufacture and launch their product.

The kulaBrandsTM business model covers three critical success factors
kulaBrandsTM provides social media marketing services to build trust and brand awareness that a company needs to become profitable. Without these three things, a product will not survive in the marketplace.

The kulaBrandsTM Community leverages the power of the internet to help promote and drive sales for all products that are supported by kulaBrandsTM.

Meet you there!


Contact Keith Peterson: Introduction To kulaBrandsTM

Phone: 708-253-7384





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